Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I've been experimenting with different ways to design metal

Monday, November 10, 2008

Project 3: Special Edition CD/DVD

I will be designing a special edition for "Saw", the movie. I have watched all five of them and I believe it will be exciting to work on it. I did not find a packaging for "Saw", but there is plenty of information and imagery to get ideas.

Here are some posters:

I do not want to go too far, but think it will be interesting to go with a gory look since the persons watching it are, in a way, attracted to this kind of images.

Monday, October 13, 2008


I will redesign a hair product called Hamadi. It is a product that is supposed to give an organic and healthy message to the consumer who is willing to spend $27.00 for an 8 oz size bottle. Even though it has a clear and simple design, which gives it a look of being different and healthy, it does not captivate the consumer's eyes because it is not interesting enough. I think it is possible to make this product appear healthy with a better design. It also needs to look "expensive" since the price is high so that the consumer feels like he/she is getting his/her money's worth.

* Mission and why created?
Jamal Hammadi founded and created his own company to offer a hair product that is as healthy as possible.

* Describe products and services
Hamadi are hair-care products. There are approximately a dozen different products and all are for the purpose of maintaining a healthy hair. They are created win no artificial ingredients. It is a high-end product compared to other hair products: $27.00 for an 8 oz size.

* Target market?
It is a high end product which is targeted mostly to women who are seeking the best hair product available.

* How is this product perceived by the audience
It is perceived as a high quality product. Most people think it is worth the price.

* Competitive advantage?
Even though the price is high, it is a product that seems to offer a great alternative for those who are concerned about their hair's look and health.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

3 good packaging designs

The packaging design works great with the ideas of the books: suspense, secret, curiosity. It is a package delivered to Sherlock Holmes which can be interpreted as clues. It is a packaging anyone would like to have even if the pages of the books were blank. It looks intriguing.

The packaging design is in the form of a school bus appealing to kids and parents as well. The design makes it stand out from the rest of the products. It grabs our attention and the typography gives us the information clearly. The clean and simple design works great with the analogous color.

The packaging design invites the consumer to buy three books instead of one. It is cleverly design so that the books are kept safe inside the box. The design is somewhat simple, but attractive at the same time. The bright background contrasts the type to make an interesting design. On the shelf it attracts the person looking to buy one book but will end up buying three.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

3 bad packaging designs

I don't think the design works well because the elements are chaotic, there is not a clear hierarchy, and the execution of the design seems to have been done by a novice.

The design is too colorful for a food product. The design seems to be targeting kids buying a toy instead of parents buying healthy food for their babies. The green section in the middle looks like it was done with a brush, which makes it look like the designer did not put enough interest and therefore I perceive the food as unhealthy even though the type says the contrary.

The packaging is not attractive. The bottle looks like one for gasoline or some kind of detergent. The tea almost seems undrinkable. The design is dull and simply does not attract the consumer.